VAŽNA PORUKA ZA MUŠKARCE Golišavim fotografijama poziva na promjenu života

Instagram profil Naked Professor posvećen je ohrabrivanju ljudi – naročito muškaraca – da se bolje povežu sa sobom, oslobode svoj um, otkriju svoju pravu prirodu i budu ponosni na to što jesu.

Autor stranice je Ben, 36-godišnji tehnološki poduzetnik iz Londona, a na profilu se može vidjeti obilje njegovih golišavih fotografija na brojnim lokacijama, često snimanjih na gradskim ulicama.

Ben kaže da ne pozira gol kako bi privukao pažnju, već kako bi svojim pratiteljima poslao vrlo važnu poruku.

Na neobičnu ideju došao je nakon što mu je dijagnosticirana anksioznost.

“U zadnje tri godine vodim jednu tehnološku startup tvrtku, a posao ne ide onako kako sam prvobitno zamišljao”, izjavio je za Indepednent.

“U jednom trenutku počeo sam se osjećati kao da je veći dio mog života bio u tuđim rukama. Tada je nastupila anksioznost”, dodao je.

Ben kaže da je njegov cimer u njihovom stanu jednog dana trebao ugostiti hipnoterapeuta, koji mu je trebao pomoći da se oporavi od ozljede.

Cimer je kasnio, pa je, prije nego što je stigao, Ben popričao s njegovim gostom.

“Počeli smo razgovarati i ubrzo je postalo jasno da želim promjenu. Uzrok svemu je najvjerojatnije bila seksualna neispunjenost. Smatrao sam da imam neki fizički problem, ali sam vremenom shvatio da je razlog za to bio moj način razmišljanja i činjenica da sam bio odsječen od svojih emocija”, objasnio je.

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“Confidence isn't walking into a room thinking you're better than everyone else, it's walking in not having to compare yourself to anyone at all.” . This is a blog that is close to my heart. Contrary to the images you see as part of this blog, I am not an extrovert. I grew up as a naturally shy child, constantly seeking validation from others to enhance how I felt about myself. A way of being that stemmed from a lack of self love & deep rooted confidence. I’d like to share my story around the role confidence has played in my life & how I've learnt to boost my self-love by consciously living in tune with my true values & passions. . For a long time, I lived what I now term a shadow life, that is a life that wasn't really meant for me. I masked my happiness by living for the weekend & chasing short term fixes through alcohol fuelled experiences. These moments briefly allowed me to live free & temporarily numb the empty feeling I felt during the other 5 days of the week. I was what I now call fake happy, on the outside it looked good, but on the inside something was missing. . I’ve come to understand that I must align my behaviour and actions with the things that serve my soul if I want to feel alive & truly happy. With a dissatisfaction about the way I was living, I have spent a lot of time & energy into investing in my own personal development. I am here now to experience self liberation, to feel free, immersed in the things that i'm passionate about & to simply be more of my true self. . In making bold & difficult decisions for my life, I have made a greater connection with my soul, the place where inner peace and deep rooted self confidence & contentment truly stems from. Inner confidence comes from living a life where your behaviour & actions represent the things that truly matter to you, regardless of others thoughts & perceptions. . I’m not interested in living a fake happy life that ticks the social boxes so that everyone else thinks I am happy. I will follow my heart &, irrespective of what others think, make myself proud of the story I am living & the actions I am taking. To read the rest of this blog, visit my website (link in bio)… 📸@alin.ostafe

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Ben kaže da je želja za promjenom na ovom području otvorila cijeli novi svijet mogućnosti za njega po pitanju učenja kako preusmjeriti vlastite misli.

Postao je životni trener, počeo je pisati o kreativnom načinu života i polako postajao sve strastveniji u vezi s dijeljenjem svoje poruke.

Ipak, znao da je da će morati pronaći način da se izdvoji iz gomile.

Tada se sjetio fotografije koju je prije četiri godine objavio na svom Instagramu. Na fotografiji je s osmjehom pozirao gol sa svojim prijateljem u Nacionalnom parku Yeosemite u Kaliforniji.

“Primijetio sam da su, bez obzira na reakcije, moji prijatelji svakako uočili tu fotografiju!”, rekao je.

“Ali, još važnije, na toj fotografiji nalazilo se sve o čemu sam pisao. Bio sam slobodan, ranjiv i radio sam nešto kreativno, nisam pratio gomilu”, dodao je.

Upravo tada rođen je “Goli profesor”, koji je do sada stekao više od 16.000 pratitelja.

Ben kaže da je do tada, poput mnogih drugih ljudi, živio “unutar svoje glave”, teško opterećen društvenim utjecajem i mišljenjem drugih ljudi.

“Bio sam vrlo nesiguran, pratio sam gomilu i moj život nije bio nimalo inspirativan. Osjećao sam se prazno”, rekao je.

Jednom kada se počeo izražavati na pravi način, sve se promijenilo.

Ben zato sada želi da i drugi učine isto.

“Želim inspirirati svoje pratitelje. Potaknuti ih na razmišljanje, pomoći im u tome da žive bolje i ispunjenije živote. Želim da skinu svoje maske, otkriju to što su i budu ponosni na sebe. Želim da postanu svoji”, zaključio je.

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I’m here to to get out of my comfort zone & make a noise about the things that I’m passionate about. That starts with being vulnerable, vulnerable enough to create & share my bare images & tell the stories of my own personal journey. Why? Because I want to inspire positive change & help others grow to maximise their potential. * It is my belief that the difficulties & troubles we go through in life are the building blocks to our future success. Through the difficult times comes great learning & opportunity, because when we are challenged we come out fighting & do things others (including our previous selves) wouldn’t do, it’s then that we grow. The difficult times I have endured (both personally and in business) is why my profile is here today, without these difficulties would I have found the strength & willing to get my more “risky” images done? The answer is undoubtedly no. * Yet this blog has been the most wonderfully liberating gift I can possibly give myself. As vulnerability queen @brenebrown tells us, when you are comfortable enough to share your flaws, no one can hold them against you. That's exactly what's going on here, my vulnerability in sharing, is what is making me strong. * Through my posts, I was lucky enough to meet @vicky_chilten_photography & we talked about our mutual desire to add authenticity & vulnerability into the world. I am doing so through my imagery & open writing, Vicky is doing so through unedited, raw imagery that captures real, authentic & vulnerable stories in their natural beauty. In a photographic world dominated by photoshop, Vicky’s pictures stood out for me in being authentic & minimalistic. Our paths aligned, we spent a couple of hours together to capture our mutual passions, I’ll be sharing more images like the one above, to empower the vulnerable message alongside it. * Being vulnerable is something that comes when we stop hiding ourself back from the world & stop being someone ruled by our head rather than our heart. Are you brave enough to find your freedom by sharing the real you to the world? * 📸 @vicky_chilten_photography * #naked #vulnerable #livefree #thenakedprofessor #mentalwellness

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