Dama dana: Lauren Drain

Današnja dama dana je po sve sudeći odličenje ironije. Naime, Lauren je medicinska sestra koja radi na odjelu kardiologije. Odjeli vezani uz kardiologiju bave za vašim srcem, žilama, i slično, uglavnom mjesto koje bi trebalo biti nježno  za sva ona ranjenja srca koja leže po krevetima. Znam iz prve ruke jer povremeno odležim na tom odjelu.

Uglavnom, Lauren kao takva svojom pojavom liječi niski tlak, spore otkucaje srca, daje van život i energiju, barem na trenutak.

U nastavku će vam biti jasno u zašto.

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Are you ready for a change? Are you willing to do what it takes to be better? Healthier? Stronger? Happier? Do you need that little push to get you going? Or the information & structure to make the gym seem appealing vs daunting? Do you want to get off that yoyo diet & try a healthier sustainable eating lifestyle? Then join the thousands of men & women I've now helped through my 6 week transformational challenge! Let me be your coach and guide you. I'm not some 20 year old IG model 😏 I'm a registered nurse of 9 years, certified personal trainer, bikini pro & I too have had a personal transformation of my own💪🏽 See my past clients, read their testimonials & believe that you too can make that positive change. Visit the link in my bio for details or laurendrain.com ••• Photo by the hubs: @theiobot

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